When I was about 20-ish years old some of my friends and I decided to make bucket lists. More for a joke than anything else, but I’ve kept up with mine! It’s always changing and being updated, but here are some random things I have done and still want to do!
“To live would be an awfully big adventure”
In no particular order:
1) Write a novel (it doesn’t have to be published)
2) Learn to play drums
3) Be proposed to
4) Attend a hockey game
5) Meet/talk to “Simple Plan” in person
6) Shake hands with or high-five someone who was a band member of “My Chemical Romance”
7) Go on a (non-school) trip with friends
8) Reach 100 subscribers on a story
9) Win something
10) Meet a Moffatt in person
11) Do something very spur-of-the-moment
12) Be an extra in a music video or movie
13) Start an applause or clap-along at a concert while the band is performing
14) Throw a Michael Jackson/Queen party (complete with pin the moustache on Mercury)
15) Sponsor a child
16) Ride the most wicked roller coaster there is
17) Swim to the bottom of the deep end at the pool
18) Inspire someone
19) Get my teaching degree
20) Attend a Hanson concert
21) Beat Mortal Kombat on Sega
22) Be a Goonie
23) High-five Peter Pan
24) Learn a fair amount of ASL (American Sign Language)
25) Get on the big screen at a concert
26) Attend a football game
27) Stop biting my nails
28) Meet Garrett Hedlund
29) Start jogging
30) Sing karaoke in public
31) Ask Robert Sheehan to doodle you a picture
32) Visit New York again
33) Get driver’s license
34) See Russell Brand perform live and in person
35) Travel to Europe and visit relatives
36) Learn to knit and/or crochet
37) Move out
38) Feed a kangaroo (Robert Sheehan knows this is a goal of mine I can’t just take if off the list anymore!)
39) Conquer shyness
40) Visit Disney World
41) Adopt a cat and name it Freddie
42) Have danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) and AmazingPhil (Phil Lester) acknowledge you via the internet (or in person). Liking or reposting/retweeting counts.